Pokemon Sun and Moon’s latest distribution code hands you five Mega Stones

A new distribution event has started for Pokemon Sun and Moon players which hands out five Mega Stones.


All you have to do to grab the stones for Pokemon Sun and Moon is enter the code MATSUBUSA.

The stones will all the player to evolve the following Pokemon into their Mega form: Banettite, Blaziken, Cameruptite, Sceptile and Swampert.

At present, the Mega Stones cannot be used in Rated Battle on Battle Spot until July 18, according to serebii.

As with the last Mega Stone distribution, an end date hasn’t been provided, so grab that code.

Pokemon Sun and Moon’s latest distribution code hands you five Mega Stones posted first on pipervictor.blogspot.com

Author: pipervictor

I am a proud father of 2 beautiful girl and I prefer gaming among all forms of entertainment. I am also a founder of My Games Club, where we discuss about gaming and how the gaming industry has given positive influence on each of our lives. As a gamer dad I also like to talk tips to live the duel life! Apart from gaming, I also love TV series and reading. I do watch Movies in the weekend too, especially when the mediums crossover with one another. With a passion in reading and gaming, I am working on new projects which will bring together gaming and great novels.